Panhandle Chapter


President: Diane Martinez, Escambia County Housing Finance Authority
President-Elect: Mindy Miller, Budget Manager, City of Pensacola
Secretary/Treasurer: Krystal Strickland, City of Destin
Board Member 1: Kristofer Hall, City of Pensacola 
Board Member 2: Bob Miller, Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court

Past President: Mindy Miller, Budget Manager, City of Pensacola



Upcoming Events

FGFOA Panhandle Local Chapter Event
Date: January 10, 2025                     

8:30 am - 12:00 pm Central Standard TimeCPE: 3.0 AA - Accounting and Auditing
Cost: Free
Registration will close when the maximum number of 55 attendees has been reached. 

CLICK HERE for more information

FGFOA Panhandle Local Chapter Event - Beyond the Drift - From Ordinary to Extraordinary Leadership and Local Chapter Quarterly Meeting
Date: April 11, 2025                     
Time: 8:30 am - 11:30 am Central Time
CPE: 3.0 BEH - Behavioral
Cost: $0
Registration will close when the maximum number of 55 attendees has been reached. 

CLICK HERE for more information

FGFOA Panhandle Local Chapter Event
Date: July 11, 2025                     
Time: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM CENTRAL TIME
Cost: FREE 

CLICK HERE to view upcoming events for all FGFOA Local Chapters