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Government Finance Professionals Week is
March 17-21, 2025! CLICK HERE for more information!

Do you have FGFOA Bootcamp questions? CLICK HERE to get more information. 

FGFOA Membership Renewal

Our fiscal year runs 07/01 – 06/30. Please be aware that by renewing towards the end of this 2024/2025 fiscal year, we will invoice you on 07/01/2025 for the 2025/2026 year. Dues paid now will not roll over to the next fiscal year.

FGFOA Is Excited To Announce CGFO/CPFO Reciprocity Opportunity! 

CLICK HERE for more information!

CPFO_GFOA_TagLine        New CGFO Logo 5-22

FGFOA Mentoring Program

The FGFOA’s Mentoring Program is a great way to propel your professional career to the next level! Participants are paired with an experienced government finance professional whom they can communicate with in order to discuss career goals, seek advice, and get support along their path to a successful career!

Thank you to everyone who completed an application! You will hear from the Professional Development Committee with your Mentor/Mentee assignment soon!

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      CLICK HERE to see all E-Bulletins. Below are the 5 most recent E-Bulletins. 

Are you receiving emails from FGFOA?

FGFOA mainly uses email to communicate with its members. We like to keep you in-the-loop about all of our activities. If you’re not receiving our messages, that’s likely because your email address’s settings are not “friendly” to receiving messages from us. Click here for more information.



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